Vietnam Supply Chain at a glance

Vietnam Supply Chain
at a glance

Survey by KPMG in Vietnam


This survey is conducted by KPMG in Vietnam in May and June of 2021 with participation of supply chain leaders of multiple leading organizations from different industries, company sizes, and with different supply chain maturities and obtained insights through an online survey to get views on the current supply chain challenges, key focus areas, and future aspirations.

Disruption has become a persistent condition of doing business. The supply chain practice of the past will no longer be sufficient to support the future marketplace in an optimal way. Organizations that succeed are those that adapt to continuous change and become the drivers of change. We have seen the impacts of COVID‑19, which have highlighted the importance of a supply chain that can adapt to deal with uncertainty, complexity, and fast and dynamic changes.

This survey report will provide insights about the supply chains in Vietnam, in terms of ‘Where we are' to 'Where to go next' and 'How to go’.

Purpose statements

The report is intended to give the supply chain professional insights in what your peers in this domain are struggling with and what they are planning in the future. Knowing what other supply chain professionals are doing can instill confidence in charting your path forward in a dynamic environment we live in.

Click the link below to view our full article.

Nguyen Minh Tam

Nguyen Tuan Hong Phuc

Customer & Operations
KPMG in Vietnam

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