Following 6 successful seasons, KPMG NEXT 2022 will be the gathering of ambitious and passionate business leaders with a shared goal: elevating their companies into brands well-known in domestic and international markets.
The series of workshops, coaching activities and fieldtrip will inspire business leaders with strategies to enhance capabilities and competitive advantages for integration into the global value chain, as well as provide Private Enterprises with tools and best practices to transform their businesses and achieve sustainable growth.
Panel Discussion (Manufacturing Sector in Vietnam: Current and Future Position in Global Value Chain)
Networking Opportunities
1-1 coaching with KPMG experts
Field trip in Taiwan
Workshop Series (Enhancing Private Entreprises’ critical capabilities for integration into global supply chain)
Agenda (tentative)
Launching Event "Manufacturing Sector in Vietnam: Current and Future Position in Global Value Chain"
Workshop 1 - Integration into global value chain — Enhancing Private Entreprises’ critical capabilities (1/2)
Workshop 2 - Integration into global value chain — Enhancing Private Entreprises’ critical capabilities (2/2)
Workshop 3 - Leveraging Alibaba Ecosystem for Growth
Fieldtrip in Taiwan
Frequently asked questions
Who should join KPMG NEXT 2022?
Founders / Owners / Top Executives in SMEs in Industrial Manufacturing sector
What is the fee?
The program is free of charge
For more information, please contact: Thanh Mai | | 0982 803 299